Sunrise Controller
Robot: KUKA iiwa 7 R800
OS: Windows 10
Sunrise Workbench:
WorkVisual: 5.0.5/Build0600 (with Sunrise.kop:
Right now I am trying to set-up a signal tower, everything is configured and red light is flashing when an emergency stop is triggered, amber light is turning on when the robot is in automode.
However, I am trying to assign the blue to turn on when there is an application selected and running - not just the robot is in motion as the application could be running but the robot is at a waiting state. I also want to have the red light on (solid, not flashing) when the teach pendant/robot/controller error has occured without the e-stops being triggered.
So I guess my question is... does anyone know how I am able to read the error state of the robot as well as if there is a signal for the application is running.