USER Screen only displays so much info

  • Hi all,

    Diving in to the KAREL world and writing my first program to copy and paste PR's and their comments from one spot to another. I want to show information of the operation, so my co-workers can understand what happened. It seems though if I write more than 9 times to the USER screen the information is cut off. I'm writing "Set PR[count]'s info to PR[new] every FOR loop. But as I said after about 9 loops the remainder of the WRITE's are not displayed.

    How can I allow more WRITE's to happen on the USER screen? Is this even possible? Am I doing something wrong?

    Thank you for any help that may be provided,


    EDIT: Looking at the Handling Setup and Operations manual, it seems that a max of 9 lines can be written to the USER screen.

  • You could write your full log to a text (.dt) file on the robot, then read from that text file to the user screen. Either require a key press to show the next 9 lines of info, or put it on a timer (while .dt file has more lines, read 9 lines from the text file, write them to the user screen, wait 5 seconds, loop).

  • How many lines of messages do you need and how frequently are they displayed? There is a TP command that you can clear the page with. Use it to clear the page just before displaying a new message. The command is Clear User Page.

  • hi tituslepic,

    do you know the Code to read from a Text file und Show it on the user screen? thats a great way to Show Messages. … you could Change the text whitout changing the .kl file

    can you send me the instruction please?

  • Sorry everyone I don't check back here as frequent as I should...


    But 9 lines should be enough. whta do you want Display?

    So I want to display info of what my KAREL program is doing: "Set PR[count]'s info to PR[new]". It would be great if each iteration of my loop could be shown, but with the limitation of 9 lines, only the last 9 lines show. It's just feedback for the user of my KAREL program so they can see what is going on. I guess in the end they'll be able to see what happens when they check PR list. Idk I just like to over complicate things sometimes :smiling_face:

    You could write your full log to a text (.dt) file on the robot, then read from that text file to the user screen. Either require a key press to show the next 9 lines of info, or put it on a timer (while .dt file has more lines, read 9 lines from the text file, write them to the user screen, wait 5 seconds, loop).

    This is a good method, I'll look into it. Thank you TitusLepic!

    WRITE (CHR(128),CHR(137)):winking_face_with_tongue:

    I'm not bright enough to understand if this is serious or joke hahaha:wallbash:

  • Use *.ftx , and compress it to .tx,the example FORM and.ftx in the Roboguide OLPC ,you can build up them,than try to change the code, the text message in user2. the mean can use direction key to display those item.

  • Use *.ftx , and compress it to .tx,the example FORM and.ftx in the Roboguide OLPC ,you can build up them,than try to change the code, the text message in user2. the mean can use direction key to display those item.

    Sweet I'll check that out - thank you. I've been skimming through the KAREL manual for days now picking out what I need and trying it out. This will save me some time for sure.

  • R47,

    The karel code below will copy text from a file on the memory card to the user screen.

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