selecting the robot

  • Hello,

    I would like to ask a very basic question in general which is how can I select the robot type or what is the factors which I need to select or accept the specific robot type.

    I asked this question because now I have a customer request to install a robot ( he does not care about the type ) to move a very light part from point to another ( distance between them approximately 30cm ) but the he wants to do this task in less than 5 sec and repeat it for 12 times.

    to robot will take the part from point 1 to placed in point 2 in less than 5 sec because the conveyor for part2 will start move.

    in brief my main factor here is the speed so how can I select the robot according to speed ?

    I hope my explanation is clear.



  • moelsayed

    I would like to add a little of my perspective in addition to Rekd.

    If you are worried about the speed of the application, I would also consider looking at a traditional industrial robot as industrial robots tend to outmatch collaborative ones (like Universal Robots) in terms of things like max speed and payload.

    If the customer truly does not care what robot you select, don't rule out traditional industrial robots!

    Collaborative robots shine for their ease-of-use, enhanced safety (to work with humans), and easy setup.

    In order to have their enhanced level of safety, collaborative robots had to give up some of their speed/payload in return. Though some collaborative robots can operate nearly as fast as some traditional industrial robots if you lessen the safety parameters in their settings.

    For example, I had a recent application using a UR5e and since the application did not work collaboratively with humans, I changed the safety settings of the cobot to allow it to be less restricted during movement. This resulted in faster robot movement and a higher throughput.


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