External Torque Joints - Pad vs DataRecorder for the LBR IIWA 14kg

  • Hi guys,

    I'm wondering about the external torque for each joint of the robot.

    Let's say the LBR IIWA 14kg is in a specific configuration.

    There are two ways to get them:

    - Method 1: Watch the Torque Part on the Pad. There is a column for the external torque in which you can choose a tool and a frame.

    - Method 2: DataRecorder with the following method: rec.addExternalJointTorque()

    However, the second method doesn't seem to depend on a frame.

    What is the difference between the two methods?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hi,

    I assume that DataRecorder class should have a method that you can set a Tool for compensating its mass data such as "rec.setTool".

    Never tried DataRecorder but you could take a look at its JavaDoc then you might find some useful information hopefully.


    You can intuitively get the values from a robot instance.

    robot.getExternalTorque()    // joint torques
    robot.getExternalForceTorque()    // Cartesian force/torque(wrench)
    // ex>
    double currentForceZ = robot.getExternalForceTorque(tcp).getForce().getZ();    // N
    double currentTorqueA7 = robot.getExternalTorque().getSingleTorqueValue( JointEnum.J7 );    // Nm
  • Hi ,

    I activate iiwa lbr robot collision detection and using 15Nm . but i can make push and pull operation because of the collision detection exceed problem. do you have any solution for that. how can I deactivate for some position and activate it again. or need external torque or Force? help please :thinking_face:

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