my company recently bought some used Fanuc robots and I am trying to get at least one welding. I am very new to working with and on robots; with that said, I have a lot to learn. I have been reading many posts/threads here but cant find the answer; so here is my problem.
I can get the Lincoln feeder to cold inch forward/backward from the TP(shift + wire +), but I cant get the feeder to feed forward/backward while welding, trying to run a weld program. I eventually get an arc failed alarm from a failed established arc timer running out. I can't get feed forward/backward even by forcing on the digital outputs. what's the problem?
Here is what equipment i am working with:
Fanuc 100ib 6 axis
Fanuc RJ3ib controller
Lincoln 455m welding power supply code 10942
Lincoln powerfeeder 10
i will try to give as much info as i can.
i have the safeties jumped out
i can move all the axis
weld eq is online
no active alarms
arctool setup as lincoln powerwave+arclink
i have deleted as many input outputs as allowed, restart, let the system auto configure
i can force shield gas digital out and works properly
i can force inch wire forward d/o and works properly
i can force inch wire backward d/o and works properly
feed forward/backward is enables in setup weld equipment
14 pin connector from powerwave 455m to robot
arclink cable from powerwave 455m
I feel like i am missing some hardware/software or have an input/output set wrong, feels like an easy simple fix since i am so close.