KRC2 ED05 with BIOS V4.06 R1.05-08.1688.01. When attempting to boot from a bootable USB drive the BIOS correctly identifies the F10 key pressed and momentarily displays Press Ctrl-S for menu, but then proceeds with the Windows load anyway before allowing time to accept the Ctrl-S. The BIOS settings seem to be correct with USB set to legacy. It's a PS/2 keyboard. Any suggestions?
KRC2 boot from USB
Razzzhead -
October 19, 2020 at 10:28 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
do you mind telling what type of "bootable USB drive" you have there exactly? and if KUKA defaults are loaded in the BIOS?
for example if this is a recent version of USB Recovery stick it will need at least 512MB or RAM which some older KRC2s do not have.
If its not KUKA stick it will boot from the usb stick using F10