WorkVisual PLC-Configuration | File-Size

  • Hi,

    I recently set up a KR10 with KRC4 compact control und KSS8.6.6. I stumbled across a new option in WorkVisual, Version 6.0.12, (see attachment) under editor>options>PLC-Configuration.

    In that menu I could edit for example the maximum file size, which helped me a lot.

    Unfortunately I couldn't find the entry when checking WoV projekts of older robots with (KSS8.3.4).

    The configuration of the compared robots is supposed to be identical apart from their system software.

    My question here: is the file size editable from a certain KSS Version onwards? If so, at which version does it start?

    As an alternative for older versions: is there a change to edit the maximum file size from a different level (smartPad directly, Windows) ?

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards

  • This option is present on WoV 5.0.10, and I performed a small test here, opening a KSS 8.2.22 project from a robot that uses ProConOS, and the PLC Configuration option worked, but with fewer options.

    The file size option refers just to ProConOS file, not WorkVisual project as a whole. But downsizing PLC file will, evidently, reduce the project size.

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