KSS: KRC4 8.5.0
Robot: KUKA iiwa 7 R800
OS: Windows 10
Sunrise Workbench:
WorkVisual: (with Sunrise.kop:
So I was adding the gripper IO config to the controller. I didn't have the error the first time, and then when I jogged the gripper this error came up in the field buses tile on the SmartPAD. "SYS-48> Ethercat network error. SION CIB Safety Modul SR [Ping failed.]" When I reboot the controller or loaded a new project the "<SYS-X48> Error during ECat stack initialization [NetworkResponse() no Network Response]" error comes up. Is this a configuration error on work visual? I've done my best to follow all the correct steps through the manuals and still no change.