"Roboguide V9 Rev.L i use the program" 30 day trial version". I'm very new to the Roboguide program, and I've been trying to learn it for a week or two by watching videos on the internet and reading documents. I am trying to transfer a CAD file with our own drawing in "iges" format, except for the fixture in the program itself. But was not successful. When I transfer the file, it doesn't add anything. I continue to receive support from my mechanical designer friends on this issue, and they continue to work on this issue... How can I get clear information about this? Could it be because I'm using a trial version of software?

Roboguide import iges files
byrol -
October 6, 2020 at 12:51 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Sometimes the parts come in the wrong units, inches instead of mm. Try importing a very large simple object. Like a 20' cube.
"HawkME" yeah, just like you wrote, There's a situation. Thank you so much for your reply. Advanced "SolidWorks" I wrote to a knowledgeable friend. 5 minutes also solved the problem. But I have a lot to learn about this program. Work, work, and work again..