Hi guys. can you tell me which operator to use to get the value of the argument shown in the picture?

KAREL programming FANUC
Kawazaki02 -
September 29, 2020 at 5:18 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
GET_TPE_PRM is the command to parse passed in arguments from a TP call.
Example of its use from some code of mine in my conversion thread:
Display More--Should be an int from 1-3. GET_TPE_PRM(1, data_type, int_value, real_value, str_value, STATUS) --Validate what was passed. IF (data_type=1) AND (STATUS=0) THEN --Argument is an int. IF (int_value<1) OR (int_value>3) THEN --Invalid argument 2, not in range. --Clear and home user screen. WRITE(CHR(128)) WRITE(CHR(137)) --Force the user screen. FORCE_SPMENU(TP_PANEL , SPI_TPUSER , 1) WRITE('Invalid Argument 1. Must be an integer.',CR) WRITE('Valid Arguments are: 1 to 3',CR) WRITE('Mode 1: Convert all to JPOS',CR) WRITE('Mode 2: Convert all to LPOS',CR) WRITE('Mode 3: Convert LPOS to JPOS',CR) WRITE('and JPOS to LPOS',CR) ABORT ENDIF --Argument 2 is ok. conv_type=int_value ELSE --Invalid argument 2, not an integer, or the GET_TPE_PRM failed. --Clear and home user screen. WRITE(CHR(128)) WRITE(CHR(137)) --Force the user screen. FORCE_SPMENU(TP_PANEL , SPI_TPUSER , 1) WRITE('Invalid Argument 1. Must be an integer.',CR) WRITE('Valid Arguments are: 1 to 3',CR) WRITE('Mode 1: Convert all to JPOS',CR) WRITE('Mode 2: Convert all to LPOS',CR) WRITE('Mode 3: Convert LPOS to JPOS',CR) WRITE('and JPOS to LPOS',CR) ABORT ENDIF
GET_TPE_PRM is the command to parse passed in arguments from a TP call.
Example of its use from some code of mine in my conversion thread:
Thank you very much. everything worked out. really not without dancing with a tambourine
if anyone needs a program on this topic, keep it and use it. program on KAREL. is designed to shift points by specified coordinates by the value of the argument, the argument is taken from the program call. (if you have questions about the program, write here, I will try to answer).
Thanks to everyone who helped figure it out.
Display MorePROGRAM TEST_KAR_12 %ENVIRONMENT REGOPE %NOLOCKGROUP %ALPHABETIZE %COMMENT = 'ALL_POS_ARG' %ENVIRONMENT TPE %ENVIRONMENT BYNAM %INCLUDE klevtpe CONST MAX_AXS = 9 VAR to_prog: STRING[30] open_id: INTEGER status: INTEGER indx_pos: INTEGER num_axs : INTEGER group_no: INTEGER posn_type: INTEGER org_xyz : XYZWPREXT new_xyz : XYZWPREXT num_pos : INTEGER r_val: REAL i_val: INTEGER r_flg :BOOLEAN pos_num: INTEGER param_no : INTEGER data_type : INTEGER int_value : INTEGER real_value : REAL sens_name : STRING[40] BEGIN GET_TPE_PRM (1,2,int_value,real_value,sens_name,STATUS) to_prog = 'TEST_TP_1' OPEN_TPE (to_prog, TPE_RWACC, TPE_RDREJ, open_id, status) group_no = 1 AVL_POS_NUM (open_id, pos_num, status) num_pos = pos_num FOR indx_pos = 1 TO num_pos-1 DO GET_POS_TYP (open_id, indx_pos, group_no, posn_type, num_axs, status) WRITE('get_pos_typ status', status,CR) SELECT posn_type OF CASE (pt_rxyzwpr): org_xyz = GET_POS_TPE (open_id, indx_pos, status) new_xyz = org_xyz new_xyz.x = org_xyz.x + int_value new_xyz.y = org_xyz.y + 0 new_xyz.z = org_xyz.z + 0 new_xyz.w = org_xyz.w + 0 new_xyz.p = org_xyz.p + 0 new_xyz.r = org_xyz.r + 0 new_xyz.ext1 = org_xyz.ext1 + 0 new_xyz.ext2 = org_xyz.ext2 + 0 new_xyz.ext3 = org_xyz.ext3 - int_value SET_EPOS_TPE (open_id, indx_pos, new_xyz, status) ENDSELECT ENDFOR CLOSE_TPE (open_id, status) END TEST_KAR_12
hello were you able to solve the problem of moving the extended axes with karel or using a table with continuous rotation. ??