We have about 38 robot in our factory, recently (1 year ago), some robots started to present a problem, the oil from the gear box leak and contaminate the motor brake, the axis slips and generate an insecure condition to our process.
Most of the models (6 in total) are IRB7600-340/2.8 except one that is a 6640-185/2.8. The axis 2 and 3 had this problems (not in the same robot, some in the axis 2, some in the axis 3).
The robots have about 15000 hours of operation, and had the first oil change with 6000 hours by ABB.
We don't have a heavy duty process, I simulated the routine with Gearbox Heat Prediction in RobotStudio (thanks ABB to release the trial version this year) and none of them presented any consideration to install a fan. We measured the axis temperature during the normal process and the hottest temperature we found was about 50ºC (I do not think it's too much).
My question is, does anyone else have this problem? Did you found any reason for this to happen? If not, any tip will be very appreciated.
Thank you very much.