Hello, we have kr15 / 2 robot that we are driving with krc1 controls that we actively use, we cannot make backups on this robot, we can see the usb we plugged in on the Windows side, the USB in krcconfigator is selected but it gives a path error, it gives the same error when we want to get to the d directory. Thank you
Krc1 archieve not destination file
Raktorp -
September 22, 2020 at 8:59 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Just a guess: On old KUKA controllers USB was deactivated in BIOS. The reason being that USB violated realtime conditions in VxWorks. As long as you do not use USB while robot is running you can activate it in BIOS.
September 22, 2020 at 9:21 PM Moved the thread from forum Manuals, Software and Tools for KUKA Robots to forum KUKA Robot Forum. -
KSS Version and Name of main board would be helpful
USB on KRC1?
I'm not sure if the KRC1 controller had USB ports.
But if I recall correctly, first KRC2s (with Win95) had.
Anyway, I think Win95 didn't had the drivers for USB ports, and make these USBs work required some black magic.
For KRC1 and KRC2 on win95 you had to use the floppy disk to USB adapter converter because USB is not supported on WIN95... I still have one from KUKA....
but you can install VNC for win95 and over TCP/IP transfer archive to PC without floppies...
or you simply change the path to d:\archive.zip\ as shown in post #6
or you simply change the path to d:\archive.zip\ as shown in post #6
And how do you take it from d to some external medium? if you dont have floppy and you can't use USB? It is not helpfull if the archive is only on D disk in the controller and you can't transfer it to PC...
If you can't find path to usb there, that doesn't mean that you can't use USB... Even on KRC2 on WinXP you first have to enable the USB in BIOS, then with KRCConfigurator you enter the path to USB and only then you can make archive on USB or the D like in your picture... KRCConfigurator doesn't do this automaticaly or by default... you have to enter the path by yourself...
archiving to local HDD works if controller is accessible from other machine (through network or laplink.... or temporarily connecting this HDD to other machine). so for most users this is not practical...
let's go thru the posts:
Hello, we have kr15 / 2 robot that we are driving with krc1 controls that we actively use, we cannot make backups on this robot, we can see the usb we plugged in on the Windows side, the USB in krcconfigator is selected but it gives a path error, it gives the same error when we want to get to the d directory. Thank you
he wants to make a backup (archive) and can not do it!
(at this moment we do not know the KSS version and we do not know the type of main board; all we know: it is a kr c1!)
Just a guess: On old KUKA controllers USB was deactivated in BIOS. The reason being that USB violated realtime conditions in VxWorks. As long as you do not use USB while robot is running you can activate it in BIOS.
I would not recommand this for one reason:
in order to make a backup you would need to shut the pc down to activate USB in BIOS?
Sometimes you want/have to make a backup while the system is running
KSS Version and Name of main board would be helpful
We still do not have this information yet!
And how do you take it from d to some external medium? if you dont have floppy and you can't use USB? It is not helpfull if the archive is only on D disk in the controller and you can't transfer it to PC...
I can show you pictures of kr c1 with floppy drives
or you simply change the path to d:\archive.zip\ as shown in post #6
this is the local HDD and follow panic mode
archiving to local HDD works if controller is accessible from other machine (through network or laplink)
where is the problem?
Hello, we have kr15 / 2 robot that we are driving with krc1 controls that we actively use, we cannot make backups on this robot, we can see the usb we plugged in on the Windows side, the USB in krcconfigator is selected but it gives a path error, it gives the same error when we want to get to the d directory. Thank you
Then i have missunderstood above post that he is trying to make an archive on KRC1 to USB (and i never seen KRC1 with winXP or KSS 5.x, the last version which i got for KRC1 is KSS v4.1.7. SP08 and this is on Win95)... with floppy i didn't meant the drives but disks, also floopy disks are hard to get today at least in my country and they tend to loose data fast if you dont store them correctly.... that was the problem in my case
i have used USB from KRC2 from WinXP era and did backups on USB even while the robot was working in EXT and not even single time i had problems like Fubini describes... i'm just lucky then i gues....
from my point of view, there are few....
problem is that he is trying to use USB for this and that post fails to provide info or answer questions. for example no KSS or controller info, no details on "KRCConfigurator errors" when trying to setup path to D: or if D: is even present etc.
In KUKA KRC2 with WIN95 you can configure USB ports as enable in BIOS setting. I use it if I need to plug in USB mouse or keybord (PS2 is broken) but when I tried to use it for pendrive it didn't work ( USB drive is not available in windows)