Hey, all. I've just been handed my first-ever Fanuc-based Palletizing project, and I need a bit of help sorting out the various Fanuc options.
I have a single robot that will batch-build single-SKU pallets, but will have three different product sizes, grouped picks, and a slightly odd palletizing pattern in one case. These are the patterns:
I did mention group picks -- for the purple and blue patterns, the basic plan is simply to have the infeed conveyors "batch up" 3 (purple) or 4 (blue) boxes, and have the robot pick that group as a single pick. So from PalletTool's POV, each layer of these SKUs would basically only have 2 "boxes".
The orange pattern is the joker in the deck. If we want to maximize pick rate, then we would pick the lower 3 rows as groups of 4, and then pick the top row as a group of 3, for 4 total pick&drop cycles per layer (The conveyor "grouper" would change how it builds a pick group on the fly). However, the simpler choice is probably to make every pick group 3 boxes in size, like the top row, and accept the time hit of going up to 5 cycles per layer.
Since I like simplicity, I prefer the slower option. And so far, it seems to work in my initial fumblings with PalletTool Turbo in RoboGuide (I have so much to learn). But I may get pushed towards minimizing pallet load time. So, my questions for the Big Brains:
1. Which Palletizing tool (if any) would support the "fast" option for the orange pattern? My gut feeling is that, to the Palletizing tool, this would look like a mixed-SKU layer
2. Is there a decent "idiot's guide" to setting up PalletTool in RoboGuide? I'm trying to climb the learning curve for PalletTool and RoboGuide at the same time. I've downloaded the relevant manuals and starting grinding through them, but something more digestible would be nice.
3. Is there an issue with telling PalletTool that I have "1 big box" that, in reality, actually is made of 3-4 real boxes? I've seen some "grouped pick" options in PalletTool that I haven't tried using yet (plus, it seems to be limited to 3 max?)
4. I'm going to have two pick stations (A&B) and two palletizing stations (A&B), running different products at the same time. There won't be any product crossover between the A and B stations, but making cycle time might require having the robot switch between A and B on the fly -- pick&place one A group, then go over and service B while the A infeed is refilling. Does this present an issue for PalletTool?