Hi, i wanted to ask where can i find a detailed manual on programming in krl. Thanks for your help
krl programming
asdrubale -
September 10, 2020 at 10:28 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
read read first on finding documentation.
System integrators manual should be a good start
I try to be more specific. I have a KUKA KRC1 robot and would like to program it with robodk. Using the post-processing "KUKA KRC1 DATA" i do not get a compile src file. I attach the txt file hoping that someon suggests me the changes to be made. thanks and sorry for the inconvenience, [attach = 27731] [/ attach]
Cerco di essere più specifico. Ho un robot KUKA KRC1 e vorrei programmarlo con robodk. Utilizzando la post-elaborazione "KUKA KRC1 DATA" non ottengo un file compilato .src. Allego il file .txt [attach = 27731] [/ attach] sperando che qualcuno suggerisca di apportare modifiche. Grazie e ci scusiamo per l'inesattezza della domanda [attach = 27731] [/ attach]
Ev forûmek ingilîzîaxêv e, pirsa xwe bi îngilîzî bişînin.
Ev forûmek ingilîzîaxêv e, pirsa xwe bi îngilîzî bişînin.
I corrected the post. Write in english too please.
I do not see any obvius errors there. What are the error messages in which line of code you get running this program?
I do not see any obvius errors there. What are the error messages in which line of code you get running this program?
The error is "compilation error". Also have no information on which line creates errors
To me it seems that the dat file is missing.
I created the dat file and it is working now - could run the prgram.
Seems to be a problem with RoboDK - this problem was discussed also in a different thread
here is the dat file
copy the file to d:\
remove the extension txt
switch to expert
within the user inteface goto the file and copy
goto you R1 directory
select menu item edit and the paste