I try to communicate a CIP safety communication between a Kuka controller and a Schneider safety PLC.
The process communication works.
When I diagnosis the CIP safety communication through Schneider ControlExpert 14.1 software, it said that the TUNID is not set (Safety network number and SCID).
When I try to set from Schneider COntrol Expert 14.1, it respond ok but it says it is always in state Waiting for TUNID.
I tried a lot of things.
Kuka said that the Safety network number should be inserted in the description of SafetyControl ->Overview->Parameter data set->Description, I tried it too but without success. In Schneider PLC, the SNN has this format (4565_0025_7069). In Kuka controller, I don't know the format include the underscore.
If anyone has some clue, it will be very appreciated.
I tried a lot of different refresh time for the safety communication but I don't thing that's the problem. At this, time I put 45 ms for input refresh time and 90 ms for output refresh time.
Thank you!