Installing KUKA KSS 5.X in a Virtual Machine / Office PC

  • Hello everyone,

    i have a clone of my robot hard drive in a Desktop PC,

    i'm trying to run KSS Office GUI like OfficeLite.

    I succesfully reinstalled KSS with "Office PC" option selected,

    but at startup, after hanging for a while at "KUKA_HMI -> Start 10%", it gives me this error:

    "RTWLoadVxD( LPVXWRT :frowning_face: (#0x1) - Device Driver could not be initialized (not found or wrong path)"

    Is it the MFC driver not loading?

    Is OfficeLite the only way to install and use KSS in a Desktop PC without a MFC?

    Thank you

  • Yep.

    Even with Office PC option selected during installation, KSS will search for some "stuff" on PC, and if this isn't present, You will get these errors.

    To emulate a KRC on a PC, the easier and cheaper option is OfficeLite.

    But KUKA also offer OfficePC/OPS, that is a real desktop PC prepared for this.

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