The vision support tools option includes functions for Matrix and Inverse matrix that can be used in TP. Otherwise I believe Nation had a standard TP method.
system variables for userframe position
zhaoxiang chen -
July 22, 2020 at 4:35 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Nation, your turn.
Could you please share the TP method? -
Re: Rotating a User Frame by its own Z axis
There is the post, but it was only for rotations. no translation. It could easily be expanded.
What is your controller and the software version?
I have it on TP in v9, but it does not exist in earlier versions.
I only checked with my roboguide, not the robot yet. my roboguide do have a lower version than V9.0.
You are right, mch_pos is relative to current Tool frame, but only in world frame. The SV_info varible looks interesting but not available on v8 or older.
If you know mch_pos and current user frame values then perhaps you could do the matrix transformation to calculate the position.
the tricky part in my case is that my user frame is relate to positioner, when positioner rotates, the user frame also changes. in that sense, I need to record user frame all the time for converting world coordination into user coordination.
$SV_INFO[1].$CART_POS ARRAY[6] OF REAL is the actual position in the World coordinates.
$SV_INFO[1].$CART_POS_UF ARRAY[6] OF REAL is the actual position in the active User Frame.
User Frame #0 is the same as World.
Hi i try to find in R-2000iB/125L, seems like dont have , can u help me?
The robot model is irrelevant. What is the controller model and the software version?