TP에서 가와사키 D 콘 모터에 가는 방법

How to Kawasaki D Con Motor On in TP
Cho. Sung Ryong -
July 18, 2020 at 4:10 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
How to the Kawasaki Dcon Motor from TP
I'm assuming you wish to control the Motor Power from the teach pendant, you have some options:
1. Select keyboard function and type in ZPOWER ON (to turn on) and ZPOWER OFF (to turn off).
2. Create a pushbutton on IF panel and assign internal signal, then allocate dedicated input for motor power (Aux 0601) to same signal - for turning on.
3. Create 2 buttons on the IF to execute AS Commands (ZPOWER ON and ZPOWER OFF) to give you Motor Power On and Motor Power Off.
4. Use ZPOWER ON and ZPOWER OFF in program - These are AS Commands.