Error RPC importing IGES CAD files in ROBOGUIDE

  • Hi everyone,

    I had a problem in Roboguide to import a certain CAD IGES file . It worked yesterday but I modified the file in solidworks and recreate an IGES file replacing the previous file in the same path.But I have got this error message for this time:

    Do you have any idea? this really complicate my project

  • with a very simple iges it works ...I sent the file to FANUC and they can open it ...I think it is my PC this a common windows error with RPC but I do not know how resolve it

  • Salut

    Tu stock tes CAO sur un serveur?

    le code erreur que tu montre concerne l'échec de requêtes à distance.

    Voix avec ton service informatique si ils n'ont pas mis a jour les firewall ou de nouveaux protocoles d'identification (j'ai eux le soucis il n'y a pas longtemps)

  • I just had an error where I couldn't save my cells anymore. Apearently our antivirus updated and started to block some RoboGuide functionality. Maybe it's worth a try to deactivate your antivirus, create a new cell and then try to import the CAD again.

  • salut xavier,

    non il est bien en local sur mon pc mais hélas je n'ai pas accès a ces infos ....Et même notre service ne sait pas ...Je n'ai pas accès aux exceptions de l'antivirus.

  • Fait une demande a ton service informatique pour qu'ils mettent roboguide dans les exceptions de ton firmware.

    ce sera un bon début avant de te prendre la tête pour rien.

    en parallèle demande directement au service support de Fanuc.

  • ambroise musnier

    Changed the title of the thread from “Error importing IGES CAD files in ROBOGUIDE” to “Error RPC importing IGES CAD files in ROBOGUIDE”.
  • Yes thank you!! I re installed my W10 and the error still there... So I added in exeption RGCADFILE and polygonreductionapp in Windows Firewall and It works!!! I have no idea why Firewall blocked those applications...

  • Hi I'm currently having this issue, i have tried to add the exception in the firewall but i keep getting this error. Do you have more info on how did you set up the exception in the firewall?

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