So after a total mess in the wiring i had to fix (kind of expected on such a cheap piece) i managed to get it to stop the errors, well short of.
problem is untill i fixed everything wire related that the previous owner did in order to make it run, the betteries run out, i know about the EMT but that is about as much as i got the robot if not higher. Now for the dial method i must have done something wrong, i know some you will think i did a very dumb mistake but i am totaly new.
i got the axis need mastering errors on all 6 axis, i used a micrometer dial with a magnetic base. i got the robot at the mastering position matching the white notches and then i used the micrometer on manual mode to fine tune it. i went to setup->master->dial and checked all axis. it said it was ok "robot mastered". i went to run a simple program and i got the "work envelope exceeded" error, here i found this Error 1342 WORK ENVELOPE EXCEEDED
which led me to check the cartesian position of the robot where it shows nothing on all 6 axis. Did i do something wrong or does this happens sometimes and i need to just do it again?