Hello everybody, I have a little problem. On my robot I have a lot of programs/subprograms that can run in production. But When I choose ABORT ALL, it does reset on actual running program. How can I do when I press "abort all" it will go to my MAIN.TP program to row 0? I have set in Prog select mode to OTHER, start method UOP, name of program i choose MAIN but it doesnt do what i want.

Abort ALL
Errorcode -
June 17, 2020 at 11:03 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Check SYSTEM, Config, and see if you have TRUE the option CSTOPI for Abort and also if you are listeninng to the UI
Yes I have but doesnt do that things. I was doing this maybe year ago but i dont remember on it. Shouldn't we anything change in system variables too?
Sorry I just read your post again
Are you presssing fhe Unction key and then enter (abort all) ? That only aborts you, it doesnt take to the main program
The OTHER option is for an external device starting you using UI6
Yes I press FCTN+Abort All (enter). Now I'm thinking how to do this thing. Because I have my own HMI through Browser and it is not so nice to want from an operator to click on select, turn main.tp on and then macro button to play browser again. We have here no external device, just an operation panel with buttons (start, reset robot, reset maintenance, stop cycle, open door.)..
If the above settings are correct and you send UI6 to the robot it will start the main program from line 0. May you can send it with your "reset robot" button.
hmm stil doesnt do things well. If I reset robot with reset button (or shift+reset), it just does reset and if I choose start, it starts the last chosen program (another like main). But never plays my main.tp program. I dont remember this well but i think that there should be some system variable and some parameters which I have to change for this.
What do you have in Prog Select -> Program select mode ?
Error code
Post your system config, please. At least the first 10 lines
You need to send abort signal (UI cstopi) then prod start (UI 18).
Check System/Config Line 42 Remote/Local Setup. From what you are describing it sounds like it's set it local. If you select the program you want(Main) it should go to start of that program on local setup. However, if you want to get it to abort/run and always go to "MAIN.TP", no matter what you need to get it off - "Local"
Now I'm not by the robot. But no, I dont have Local. I run the proccess from the external buttons. There's no problem with running or stopping program. There is one problem, that i want to automatically open ,,main.tp" program after FCTN+ABORT ALL. Because i think it's not so nice to want from an operator to find some main.tp in lot of programs by pressing select and then pushing macro button to open HMI again.
Why r u using fctn+abort all in the first place? Why not the cycle stop signal? with the cycle stop/start signals you can do exactly what you need.
Add 'Main.tp' to the macro table and use your cycle start signal to fire it.
Can you please confirm that system variable $SHELL_WRK$CUST_NAME is set to MAIN .. ? I presume that is the case, just wanted to confirm.