Our system is KRC4 KSS 8.3.34 and kr470-2PA robot.
In a certain part of our program the robot moves its gripper horizontally, from point A to point B with a PTP motion.
Then the gripper is moved from position B to C, what is a strictly vertical movement downwards.
Point B is approximated, point c not (robot stops at point c for some actions).
For reduction of cycle times we tried to speed up the motions.
Off course for the PTP motion this is no problem. For the LIN motion however we can only bring the speed to about 60% of maximum (2 m/sec), otherwise we get error of axis 5 (palletizing robot), sometimes also from axis 2.
If I change to motion to point C to SLIN in spite of LIN, will larger movement speed of that section then be possible?
For now I can in stop the LIN motion to C if a condition is not ok, this is done with the brake-resume function, and works well.
Will that brake function continue to work is LIN is changed to SLIN,
The tool data is setup correctly.