Hello everyone. I am abb robot user. I have question for you. Is the unit of speed definitions like v300, v400, v2000 in my map steps in mm/s? What is the unif of tthis definition?
Abb speed definations unit
karakasov67 -
June 13, 2020 at 10:51 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Yes it is mm p/s.
p/s ?
p/s = per second
Yes, the units are millimeters per second (mm/s). You are correct.
Technically there's a little more to the speeddata object that you're referring to. The first parameter of those definitions is exactly what you're saying, mm/s. The second parameter is the reorientation velocity in degrees/s.
The ABB Programming Manual ("RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types" 3HAC16581-1_revJ) says:
Quotespeeddata := [ v_tcp, v_ori, v_leax, v_reax];
v_tcp: The velocity of the tool center point (TCP) in mm/s.
v_ori: The reorientation velocity of the TCP expressed in degrees/s
v_leax: (velocity linear external axes) The velocity of linear external axes in mm/s.
v_reax: (velocity rotational external axes) The velocity of rotating external axes in degrees/s.
Replying to this thread to correct the above (confusing) information as this is the top result on google searches asking about the units.