Karel Language- get P position from a TP program

  • good morning everyone, I have a question.

    How do I get a P position stored in a program on TP from a Karel program.

    for exmple, this is my TP programa

    can you help me?:frowning_face:

  • Hi rudolf1385,

    The Karel builtIns for that are:

    OPEN_TPE(prog_name, open_mode, reject_mode, open_id, status)

    GET_POS_TPE(open_id, position_no, status <, group_no>)

    XYZWPR(EXT) only will be returned (no JPOS)

    XYZWPR_VAR =GET_POS_TPE(open_id, 1, status )

    But I believe you can't open a TPE-Program when it is already open!

    SO GETPOSITION can't be called within your specific TP-Prog!

    best regards


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