Hello Forum,
i wanted to use Kuka EthernetKRL in KukaOffice Lite but i am getting an error i cant solve by myself.
when i load my Office Lite Project (KR C4, KSS 8.6.1) everything works fine but then i try to install EthernetKRL (V3.1.0) with the EthernetKRL.kop file and when the controller restarts the message "Boot failed for module: Histogram" shows up and robot movement and programs are disabled.
i cant find any solution to this.
it happens when i install Ethernet KRL on my clean project. It doenst matter if i install it from WorkVisual or directly from USB-Stick. It is always the same result.
EDIT: the installation as itself is successfull. EthernetKRL is listed under installed modules, but after its installed there is always that boot problem.
Help would be appreciated.