changing KUKA RSI decimal precision of angles

  • <Rob Type="KUKA"><AIPos A1="-0.3" A2="-87.7" A3="89.8" A4="0.1" A5="87.9" A6="0.0"/><ASPos A1="0.0" A2="-90.0" A3="90.0" A4="0.0" A5="90.0" A6="0.0"/><Delay D="0"/><Tech C11="0.0" C12="0.0" C13="0.0" C14="0.0" C15="0.0" C16="0.0" C17="0.0" C18="0.0" C19="0.0" C110="0.0"/><DiL>0</DiL><Digout o1="0" o2="0" o3="0"/><Source1>-42.1</Source1><IPOC>8241725</IPOC></Rob>

    I am trying to find where to change the decimal precision of the AIPos output. I am not getting more then a single decimal place, I have seen others on the forums get much higher accuracy and I can see higher resolution angle values within the pendents display.


  • figured it out

    I had to change this line in the rsi.xml file

    <Parameter Name="Precision" ParamID="8" ParamValue="1" />

    to a larger value, I set it to 4 and now I have more decimal places.

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