Now I am working from home, so I try to get experience in RS.
I have created our welding cell from a backup on my PC.
An IRB 2400L and an IRBP500K positioner (IRC5).
They are able to perform coordinated movements.
Everything is fine, all programs are working well, what I have previously taught manually.
But I am stuck with creating program in Robotstudio.
The targets I have created, do not store the turning angle of the positioner, so when I try to run the program I get "Missing External Axis Value" event message.
Of course the positioner does not turn with the robot, when it should...
The positioner should be turn to this position:
I have tried to modify the extax values manually.
Right click, modify extax and also tried overwrite robtarget in rapid, but I got further event messages I didn't understand.
At the first target, I got "Position Outside Reach".
It's not recognizable for me in this situation why.
The first target is a simple movement, positioner turns to -150 degree, the robot axis 1 turns to the working area from safe position.
I have taught similar movements manually several times.
It could not be configuration problem...
When I skip the first MOVE, an move PP to second movement, the robot and the positioner finally moves, but the position is different from the programmed position. :O
Programmed position:
Actual movement:
I think something not OK with my targets created in RS.
Or the method I have created them.
When I teach robot from TPU (in reality), the robtarget always stores the actual positioner angle when I use 'wobj_stn' workobject.
These robtargets are working fine in RS.
I can run programs with coordinated movements (weld circular seams around the rotating axis of the stations).
These are all manually taught programs...
So I am confused.
Thanks for your suggestions in advance.
Best regards,