Need to help understand Call job instruction

  • I am trying to modify a job on DX100. Need some help to understand the code


    So, this line is calling for job JC_AGCCK.jbl. What is two ARGF0 for? I guess there are two variables transferred to the JC_AGCCK job. But what is this variable refers to? F0? I couldn't find it in the current job at all..



  • If you see in your job, (JC_AGCCK.jbl), there are GETARG instruction, when the job start for work and receive to this instruction, it will give value defined for ARGF0 tag and save in one of variables same as example that Lemster68 say in up.

  • I really appreciate you guys's help! What kind of language is that? I think I need to find a handbook for this language to learn it little bit.

    Thanks again!


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