Hi. I'm new here and perhaps this question is dealt with on other threads, but thought I'd start by asking the specific question.
I am investigating the possibility of controlling a Kuka KR10 via the RSI interface from an external program. My program has a PLC which generates quad signals for directly controlling servo drives as well as an RS232 option which can stream ascii values in realtime. I am considering using a serial to ethernet adapter to transmit the data from my program and control the robot, either in cartesian space, either full 6 dof or in palletising mode. I have read that external signals can be used to modify or offset the robot position (within limits such as +- 5deg), but I'm not clear if there is a way to completely control it through the full limits of its movement. In other words move it anywhere in it's available xyz space responding to a continuous stream of data.
Well that's the first question. Then if that is possible, is there any information on how to setup an ethernet connection and how to format the data. Also would an ethernet device have to be configured in any special way? Are certain types of converter going to be better than others?
I did read that in atleast one mode the sender has to respond to requests from RSI in order to continue responding, so it would need to be a two way communication. Because I would be going through a converter I'm not sure if I could handle that scenario. So are there other simpler ways to control the axes that simply make it a slave without depending on responses?
Finally is there any way to emulate an RSI environment without actually running a robot? I'm thinking perhaps some less destructive mode might be necessary to start with, while sorting out the basics....
Perhaps a lot of questions, but I'd be very grateful if I can get some pointers, even just to confirm I am not barking up the wrong tree...