I have a strange problem. I wanted to change the program, but after uploading the program, communication with the PLC and the computer ends.
It seemed strange to me because I made changes to a working project. I started testing.
1) Program 1 works when nothing changes
2) After any change, it stops working. For example, I add a comment after switching on "start" on the PLC, communication stops. Even if I add a letter and remove it, there is a communication problem. (program size increases by about 6kb)
3) When it changes only the program name, the program works
4) A second robot is connected to the PLC. I changed the program there and never had this problem.
5) The electrical connection works. The PLC has cables connected to the robot that cause movements to the given position. It works until error.
6) When a communication error occurs, it terminates the connection with the computer. Teachpanedant stops working properly.
7) I tried to upload .pg and .as extensions. It works the same.
Robot has a free memory of 74%
9) The sent data is sent only to plc and not between robots.
What can I do?
Robot ZX130U, E Controller