Looking for info on CRT Keyboard over Ethernet

  • Looking for info on using the CRT Keyboard over Ethernet. I have new R30 and would like to navigate the menus/windows via a terminal program versus using a browser. I have done this in the past on RJ3 controllers but have not been able to get to the menus to work in this new controller. I am using PowerTerm over TELNET. KCL comes up and is very fast, but I have not been able to remap the keys so the F10 brings up the MENU mini-window. If anyone is doing this over Ethernet I would be very interested in the setup. I think the browser CGTP option will soon be turned on (waiting on PAC codes) but I would rather use a terminal and operate via keystrokes versus having to use the mouse.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi PDL - If you plug a usb keyboard into the TP USB port you can use it for ASCII entry. To do so go into entry mode then go down to to options/keyboard at the bottom of entry modes. When in keyboard mode you type text like for a comment or a label. But that is not what I am talking about.

    I want to see all of the Fanuc screens on a terminal like a VT220 TELNET client serial or ethernet. This mode is the same sort of mode as when you had the full sized integrated monitor/keyboard on the controller cabinet these were available on the RH/RJ/RJ2/RJ3 controller , the user had a access to KCL and also to all the other screens including the CRT USER2 screen. I am making up a serial cable for the JD17 port and will try this over serial with P3: setup as a KCL/CRT. I expect this will work but was hoping to have an ethernet based terminal versus serial much easier for connectivity and distance.

    Currently I can do a KCL only over Ethernet the MENU key does not work in my VT220 emulator so I cannot access any other screen.

    Anyone who knows the CRT/Keyboard option J535 and has info that would be appreciated.

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