I am trying to understand why my application won't PTP or LIN move to a saved frame. The frame is a child of a base and I can manually ask the robot to ptp to the frame without the application. However instead of moving it just gives I bunch of errors (listed in the picture below). "arbeitsraumfehler" I know means work space error which makes me think the robot can't reach the location but I know that it can because I can do it on the pendant. I think I might just be call the frame the wrong way. Please help!
The base is "base"
the frame that is a child of base is "base1"
I am using SunriseOS
I have a LBR iiwa 14 R820
package application;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import com.kuka.roboticsAPI.applicationModel.RoboticsAPIApplication;
import static com.kuka.roboticsAPI.motionModel.BasicMotions.*;
import com.kuka.roboticsAPI.deviceModel.LBR;
import com.kuka.roboticsAPI.motionModel.PTP;
import com.kuka.roboticsAPI.sensorModel.ForceSensorData;
import com.kuka.roboticsAPI.uiModel.ApplicationDialogType;
public class MoveToPhrame extends RoboticsAPIApplication {
private LBR lbr;
private ForceSensorData sensorData;
public void initialize()
public void run() {
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Thanks in advance,