UserFrame using TCP point

  • Hello!

    I have a question. Anyone tried to implement User Frame creation using 1 point? I remember my favorite feature in Roboguide to create UFRAME using current position of TCP. And I want to use in on real robot. I would like to implement re-generating user frames based on current tool location. But for some reason, when I do touchup to my PR, then execute UFRAME[N] = PR[N], it shows completely in wrong spot. How I can fix it and create User Frame based on current tool location?

    Thank you in advance!

  • It's a little bit weird. When I execute next test setup program, everything works fine.

       1:  UFRAME_NUM=0 ;
       2:  UTOOL_NUM=1 ;
       3:  PR[1]=LPOS    ;
       4:  UFRAME[4:UFrame4]=PR[1] ;

    But when I execute PR record in PR table, it gave me different position. But Tool and Frame were same like in the "test setup" program.

  • I know:) It what I was looking for. In my surprise when I execute PR Record, it gives me different point for some reason.

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