Uploading a program.

  • Yes, this is what KRTerm is used for.

    KRTerm has RS232 and Ethernet connectivity options, so you can use either...….Ethernet is obviously faster.

    You can go here to download different types of Kawasaki Terminal Editors (KRTerm is included with a connection guide).

    Kawasaki Online Terminal Editors

    Check AS Manual for SAVE and LOAD commands, you can then use these to make file save and load data into controller.

  • When i try to upload this program


    ; define points array


    w01.p[1]=Z 1406.77 Y 2108.50 O 11.82

    w01.p[2]=Z 1417.96 Y 2108.50 O 22.17

    w01.p[3]=Z 1434.21 Y 2108.50 O 27.77

    w01.p[4]=Z 1452.21 Y 2108.50 O 32.64

    w01.p[5]=Z 1569.12 Y 2108.50 O 96.90

    w01.p[6]=Z 1599.32 Y 2108.22 O 119.05

    w01.p[7]=Z 1609.82 Y 2095.99 O 136.48

    w01.p[8]=Z 1619.81 Y 2084.37 O 152.39

    w01.p[9]=Z 1628.96 Y 2073.71 O 166.04

    w01.p[10]=Z 1638.21 Y 2062.94 O 176.44

    w01.p[11]=Z 1648.55 Y 2050.90 O 197.72

    w01.p[12]=Z 1654.91 Y 2050.00 O 236.39

    w01.p[13]=Z 1645.22 Y 2054.77 O 262.59

    w01.p[14]=Z 1632.65 Y 2069.41 O 281.15

    w01.p[15]=Z 1616.71 Y 2087.97 O 294.51

    w01.p[16]=Z 1604.86 Y 2101.77 O 307.21

    w01.p[17]=Z 1599.54 Y 2107.97 O 320.20

    w01.p[18]=Z 1593.64 Y 2108.50 O 334.19

    w01.p[19]=Z 1584.53 Y 2108.50 O 344.15

    w01.p[20]=Z 1568.26 Y 2108.50 O 350.25

    w01.p[21]=Z 1553.25 Y 2108.50 O 354.33

    w01.p[22]=Z 1537.03 Y 2108.50 O 359.44

    w01.p[23]=Z 1424.24 Y 2108.50 O 424.79

    w01.p[24]=Z 1398.37 Y 2105.54 O 446.00

    w01.p[25]=Z 1387.97 Y 2093.42 O 463.15

    w01.p[26]=Z 1378.13 Y 2081.96 O 478.64

    w01.p[27]=Z 1369.47 Y 2071.88 O 491.32

    w01.p[28]=Z 1360.32 Y 2061.23 O 502.73

    w01.p[29]=Z 1351.35 Y 2050.78 O 523.97

    w01.p[30]=Z 1344.80 Y 2050.00 O 562.98

    w01.p[31]=Z 1357.70 Y 2058.17 O 591.95

    w01.p[32]=Z 1372.17 Y 2075.03 O 608.86

    w01.p[33]=Z 1388.08 Y 2093.54 O 621.69

    w01.p[34]=Z 1397.85 Y 2104.92 O 636.68

    w01.p[35]=Z 1401.72 Y 2108.50 O 646.67


    angstep=646.67-0.00 ; mandrel circuit increment

    offs=0.0,0.0,0.0,angstep,0.0,0.0 ; pose to increment mandrel position for each circuit

    ; this part executes the motion

    CP ON ; continuous path


    ACCURACY 50 ALWAYS ; path smoothing, max corner rounding

    LMOVE w01.p[0] ; start point

    PAUSE ; so we can fix the fibres to mandrel (first sub program only)


    FOR loops = 1 , 54 ; circuits

    FOR index = 1 , 36-1 ; loop over points in circuit

    LMOVE w01.p[index] + offs*(loops-1)



    i got errors that on a screenshot
    do i need to register this variable before uploading program or what is the case?

  • Your program contains many invalid instructions that during parsing will be rejected...…..

    - Program name cannot include special characters like <> and no spaces, only _ or . as a separator and max of 15 characters.

    - .TRANS is invalid inside a program.

    -. END is invalid inside a program except to terminate the program.

    - All of your locations are invalid for many reasons......and concerns me a great deal...….Where are the X, A and T values for the transform?...…....???

    - Without those, how does the robot know where the XAT elements are for the location?

    Have a look in your file save you did in your previous thread and look how a 'Program is laid out'.

    - This is the structure that is required to load in when creating a program offline.

    - There is no documentation provided by Kawasaki to program offline, except if using KROSET Simulator.

    In order to load locations in which have been generated offline require ALL elements of the location XYZOAT and only need to be in a file that contains the following only:


    loc[1] -953.681335 675.966248 326.396149 90.862236 31.153524 90.292091


    If you wish a program to 'define' those locations instead, then the correct commands are required in order to 'define' those locations.


    .PROGRAM test()

    POINT loc[1] = TRANS(-953.681335,675.966248,326.396149,90.862236,31.153524,90.292091)


    To program offline effectively, understanding the Kawasaki is syntax is paramount otherwise you are going to receive many errors during the load.

    I suggest you study the AS Manual and also review a previous file save as a starting point in order to understand the required syntax and structure.

  • I am also concerned with what you are attempting to accomplish in respect of how your robot was setup previously with the spin function.

    This is why I also asked about if you require this re-enabling or not.

    Spin is only applicable for Joint 6 or external axes, not any other axis of the manipulator.

  • I edit program that way

    .PROGRAM BKplast()

    ; define points array

    POINT w01.p[1]=TRANS(176.00,2108.50,1406.77,85.674,94.783,11.82)

    POINT w01.p[2]=TRANS(176.00,2108.50,1417.96,85.674,94.783,22.17)

    POINT w01.p[3]=TRANS(176.00,2108.50,1434.21,85.674,94.783,27.77)

    POINT w01.p[4]=TRANS(176.00,2108.50,1452.21,85.674,94.783,32.64)

    POINT w01.p[5]=TRANS(176.00,2108.50,1569.12,85.674,94.783,96.90)

    POINT w01.p[6]=TRANS(176.00,2108.22,1599.32,85.674,94.783,119.05)

    POINT w01.p[7]=TRANS(176.00,2095.99,1609.82,85.674,94.783,136.48)

    POINT w01.p[8]=TRANS(176.00,2084.37,1619.81,85.674,94.783,152.39)

    POINT w01.p[9]=TRANS(176.00,2073.71,1628.96,85.674,94.783,166.04)

    POINT w01.p[10]=TRANS(176.00,2062.94,1638.21,85.674,94.783,176.44)

    POINT w01.p[11]=TRANS(176.00,2050.90,1648.55,85.674,94.783,197.72)

    POINT w01.p[12]=TRANS(176.00,2050.00,1654.91,85.674,94.783,236.39)

    POINT w01.p[13]=TRANS(176.00,2054.77,1645.22,85.674,94.783,262.59)

    POINT w01.p[14]=TRANS(176.00,2069.41,1632.65,85.674,94.783,281.15)

    POINT w01.p[15]=TRANS(176.00,2087.97,1616.71,85.674,94.783,294.51)

    POINT w01.p[16]=TRANS(176.00,2101.77,1604.86,85.674,94.783,307.21)

    POINT w01.p[17]=TRANS(176.00,2107.97,1599.54,85.674,94.783,320.20)

    POINT w01.p[18]=TRANS(176.00,2108.50,1593.64,85.674,94.783,334.19)

    POINT w01.p[19]=TRANS(176.00,2108.50,1584.53,85.674,94.783,344.15)

    POINT w01.p[20]=TRANS(176.00,2108.50,1568.26,85.674,94.783,350.25)

    POINT w01.p[21]=TRANS(176.00,2108.50,1553.25,85.674,94.783,354.33)

    POINT w01.p[22]=TRANS(176.00,2108.50,1537.03,85.674,94.783,359.44)

    POINT w01.p[23]=TRANS(176.00,2108.50,1424.24,85.674,94.783,424.79)

    POINT w01.p[24]=TRANS(176.00,2105.54,1398.37,85.674,94.783,446.00)

    POINT w01.p[25]=TRANS(176.00,2093.42,1387.97,85.674,94.783,463.15)

    POINT w01.p[26]=TRANS(176.00,2081.96,1378.13,85.674,94.783,478.64)

    POINT w01.p[27]=TRANS(176.00,2071.88,1369.47,85.674,94.783,491.32)

    POINT w01.p[28]=TRANS(176.00,2061.23,1360.32,85.674,94.783,502.73)

    POINT w01.p[29]=TRANS(176.00,2050.78,1351.35,85.674,94.783,523.97)

    POINT w01.p[30]=TRANS(176.00,2050.00,1344.80,85.674,94.783,562.98)

    POINT w01.p[31]=TRANS(176.00,2058.17,1357.70,85.674,94.783,591.95)

    POINT w01.p[32]=TRANS(176.00,2075.03,1372.17,85.674,94.783,608.86)

    POINT w01.p[33]=TRANS(176.00,2093.54,1388.08,85.674,94.783,621.69)

    POINT w01.p[34]=TRANS(176.00,2104.92 ,1397.85,85.674,94.783,636.68)

    POINT w01.p[35]=TRANS(176.00,2108.50,1401.72,85.674,94.783,646.67-----)

    angstep=646.67-0.00 ; mandrel circuit increment

    ;offs=0.0,0.0,0.0,angstep,0.0,0.0 ; pose to increment mandrel position for each circuit

    ; this part executes the motion

    CP ON ; continuous path


    ACCURACY 50 ALWAYS ; path smoothing, max corner rounding

    LMOVE w01.p[0] ; start point

    PAUSE ; so we can fix the fibres to mandrel (first sub program only)


    FOR loops = 1 TO 54 ; circuits

    FOR index = 1 TO 36-1 ; loop over points in circuit

    LMOVE w01.p[index] ;+ offs*(loops-1)




    now when im upload it on controller it gives me that message

    but no syntax errors.

  • Yes, I suspect your last .END was not correctly terminated before you saved the file.

    If you are programming offline, the last .END needs to be terminated with a carriage return and then saved.

    In text file, when you type .END and do not press return, cursor remains flashing after D meaning the line has not been terminated.

    Make sure after last .END you press return and see cursor flashing on next line before saving the file.

    This should then load in OK.

    (This is a golden rule of offline programming with text editor and Kawasaki robots).

  • Your OAT values for your locations do not make sense...………???

    They only operate between -180 and 180 degrees.

    This is why I show concern over spin function and how your robot was setup initially...…….I fear you are going to have many problems.

  • Do you happen to know if the offline simulator for kawasaki robots requires any hardware? OR how can I find it? I have KTERM and want to use a simulator for practice. Do I need a hardware conrtoller or can I just download a simulator onto my computer? I would like to practice this programming but don't have any kawasaki controllers at my disposal... Please let me know if you have any ideas or can help with this issue. This forum thread was the only place I knew where to ask the question.

  • I know you are new to the forum, BUT please don't cross posts with the same question.

    They are likely to be reported, ignored or deleted.

    I have responded to your other post and moved it to the correct board.

    Welcome to the forum...............:beerchug:

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