PROMPT Troubles

  • Hello,

    I have a problem with the PROMPT instruction

    The conditional instruction is executed in the parallel program autostart2.pc

    When calling the PROMPT command, a keyboard should appear on the screen and the option of entering $diemension and $radius, but nothing happens. The program stops and stops following the instructions, but the keyboard does not appear.

    Has anyone ever encountered a similar problem and knows how to solve it?

  • Have a look in the AS Manual for the PROMPT command, there is an optional parameter in the instruction to specify which 'device' to use as the input terminal for the PROMPT

    (See attached).


    PROMPT 2: "Enter knee diameter:", $ dimension [ptin.rt_nr.soll]

    PROMPT 2: "Enter bending radius:", $ radius [ptin.rt_nr.soll]

    That should resolve this, always specify the 'device' and you'll be golden.

    You could add a command to return to the Teach Screen after by using:


    Or a command to return to an IFP Panel Page by using:

    IFPDISP 1; For IFP Page 1

    IFPDISP 4; For IFP Page 4


    IF ptarray [ptin.rt_nr.soll] == 0 THEN



    PROMPT 2: "Enter knee diameter:", $ dimension [ptin.rt_nr.soll]

    PROMPT 2: "Enter bending radius:", $ radius [ptin.rt_nr.soll]

    ptarray [ptin.rt_nr.soll] = 1

    MAINDISP; Returns to the Teach Screen after last prompt input


    Hope it helps...………..:top:

  • You're welcome, glad it all works and thanks for the feedback.

    Sometimes it is easy for typo's especially when you have been key bashing for long periods.

    I have trouble with lowercase l and number 1 sometimes.....:gaah:

    Some Kawasaki Commands have optional parameters, these are always highlighted in the manuals.

    These optional parameters mean, they can be omitted ie will not produce an error if not included.

    But if included, obviously require the correct syntax or errors occur, the difference between those characters can be quite subtle and easily mis-read.

    In cases where I use a command that can have optional parameters, I try and make sure I specify exactly what I require, that way I do not have a possible ambiguous command.

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