Long and short rotation when moving through cartesian space

  • The robot UR10 will perform the shortest rotation possible when using movel script commands.

    Due to wiring limitations of the tool mounted on the robot flange, I would like to limit the motion of the last robot joint to a certain range.

    This means the robot should not always perform the shortest rotations possible, but instead perform the longer rotation which allows it to stay in the desired range.

    Mathematically i would perform this by quaternion interpolation to determine the long and short rotation paths, however this would require me to implement quaternion math functions in urscript.

    Is there default a way to force long rotation when moving through cartesian space with a UR10 robot?

  • Can you use a Relative Position Waypoint to accomplish your goal? If not, you should be able to use the get_inverse_kin function, which allows you to pass in a list of joint angles you want your final position to be close to. This should be easier than developing your own quaternion interpolation function.

    You could set up a Position Range limit (in Safety Configuration) on the last joint to make sure it doesn't rip your wiring out, but I believe that would just stop the program rather than find a different route.

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