For the past few days I have been attempting to get Device net on a KRC2 to work with a brand new Beckhoff fieldbus module (IP2401-B520). I have also tried an alternative Beckhoff module with no success either.
I have set the dip switches on the module to 3. I have the green lights on the module displaying it is working. I understand from a lot of the posts I have read that this is more than likely a hardware issue. I have (24VDC,CAN H, Shield, CAN L, 0VDC and terminating resistor on both ends between both CANs) which has been checked and double checked even when ringing kuka support. The wiring I believe is not the issue.
I have configured the DEVNET.INI file with the following:
macid=3 (i have tried altering both files with different macids)
Baudrate=125 (I have tried 250 and 500)
I have configured the IOSYS.INI file with the following:
When I reconfigure the I/O driver with these settings I get "6503 Configuration error I/O driver DN2DRV"
I have tried resetting both the module and the controller and booting them up at the same time. I have enabled the IOSYS logfile and found the driver ready is 0 and the driver version is 0116 but I get an input objects of 1 and an output objects of 1. I have used the Telnet diagnostic tool and used the command dnWho and found DNDRV [0] and [3] which are in the scanlist but I cannot locate the beckhoff unit in the external device section as it says “DNDRV ERROR: receive error interrupt”. I do not really know what this all shows me but thought it may help someone else. I think the DNDRV [0] is for the MFC as it is the master so has macid=0 and the DNDRV [3] is the macid=3 that I set but I am not getting a signal from the external device.
When I type dnShow 1 I get:
Scanner enable:stopped
Scanner state:error
Can errors:284
Can overflow:0
System time:-50059026
Baudrate:125 kbaud
[00] KRC state 00 master none
everything below that zeros
[03] Warn 0 state 03:01 offline
then zeros for everything below that
Does the driver version matter?
I am currently not able to try any suggestions right now but anything to try on the software side would be great for tomorrows battle. I have used the kuka devicenet manual for KR C2 edition2005 to guide me through this before seeking out the help of you guys!
A brand new MFC2 card is coming tomorrow to try everything I have all over again. I do not even know if the card is the issue. I do not know much about MFC cards.
I apologise if i am missing any other information and for the length/bad layout. I have an archive on my computer of the robot in question so I may be able to let you know any further information.