Our school has recently received a KUKA ready2_educate_pro_vision training cell and I ran into some trouble installing the VisionTech module in WorkVisual on the laptop (this is needed to be able to create vision tasks):
I have WorkVisual 4.0 installed on the target laptop and followed the steps outlined in the help file:
1. copied the folders VisionTech and EthernetKRL (this is a prerequisite to installing VisionTech) which contain the KOP-files among other things from the robot's HDD
2. in WorkVisual i've installed the packages (Extras>Option Package Management); there weren't any errors during the install and i can now see the packages installed and the new tool tab appeared with the 'tool block editor' and 'license management buttons' - see image1.
3. according to the 'KUKA.VisionTech 3.1 V2' manual, chapter 10.5.1 - page 62- the next step should be activating the license, however when I click the icon or go through the menu (Editors > Options packages > Vision-Tech > License management) i get an error message: "No vision library detected." - see image2. (i get the same error if i click on 'tool block editor')
Did I miss something? Were there some other files I needed to copy from the robot controller HDD? I've uninstalled and reinstalled WorkVisual and gone through all the steps again and I stll get the same error. Can't find anything about this in the VisionTech manual or the WorkVisual help files.
Thank you for your help.