I'm new so i hope this will be on the right spot.
So, yesterday i bought a USB floppy driver because I'm trying to work with my KRC1 programs on my computer.
I took a floppy disk and put it in my KRC1 then i selected File/Save all on the floppy disk.
I made a backup on my computer from this. Then I beggun to modify a program like changing some points and some coordinates.
I also opened some files from my backup with Notepadd++ with a kuka langage pluggin just to understand how it works.
I tryed to put the new modified program on my KRC1 by putting the floppy in the computer and i made a mistake. I selected upload all from the floppy disk.
Here my folders were copied well like "copied : \MADA\R1"... and same for all the folders.
But then, I saw "compiling errors" and a bunch of errors. and when i wanted to open a program (not only the modified program), it says "error during the link editing".
From here I decided to come back with my floppy backup I made but it says the same errors.
I also saw some topics which said to chekc if there is any red X on the files but i saw nothing similar.
Do someone know how can i repair this ?
Thanks in advance.