UR Conveyor Tracking Effect on Tool Speed

  • We are currently trying to set up a robot application that involves picking up an object from a moving linear conveyor belt on a UR 10 (CB 3.2). Using UR's track_conveyor_linear command, this seems to work nicely when moving with the same speed and acceleration for all movel commands. However, since the fragile nature of our work-object requires us to perform a part of the pickup motion more slowly than the rest, we tried to lower the speed parameter of one of the movel commands but found that it seems to slow down the robot in the direction of the conveyor belt as well, causing the robot to fall behind the work-object. Our intuition would have been that the movement speed along the direction of the conveyor belt should be independent from the tool speed specified in the movel command, but this does not seem to be the case.

    Is there any information about how the tool speed and the conveyor speed in combination affect the resulting robot motion?

    TL;DR; Does the speed parameter of UR's movel command affect the speed with which the robot tracks a moving conveyor?

  • I don't know how this works in UR, but in other brands, as KUKA for example, you should follow the conveyor at full speed, but in certain situations/applications You can decrease the speed at some specific points, like pick or drop.

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