FANUC R-J3iB, .pc files in <select> page but not displayed in <file> directories

  • Hi All,

    I'm using a FANUC R-J3iB, recently .pc files in <select> page are displayed and can be run

    but not displayed in <file> directories, only .vr

    AOA also does not backup the .pc files

    Please advise,



  • According to FANUC this is normal behavior.

    Quote from FANUC tech support

    Once you load the KAREL File you will not see it. No backup will ever
    give you the KAREL file again once it is loaded. The only time it is backed up
    is in an IMAGE backup and even then you cannot grab it. You cannot manipulate
    the KAREL file either once loaded.

  • So I just pulled an "All of Above" backup off of a v7.7 robot, all of the p-code that we had previously loaded was backed up as .pc files. These files could be loaded to other robots, but cannot be de-compiled; you will need to have the Karel source if you want to edit them.

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