Safeoperation : masteringtest for external axes

  • Our system is KRC4 8.5.7 HF1 and KR 90 R3100 extra HA.

    We also have some external axes : KP1 and KP2 manipulators.
    I was setting up safeoperation (v3.4.6) and I saw the external axes for the manipulators are also included in the masteringtest.
    I use safeoperation only as safe monitoring of the cartesion space of the tool of the robot. Is there a way not to include the manipulators
    in the masteringtest, as you can do for the braketest where you can exclude external axes?
    The reason I would like to exclude the manipulators from the masteringtest is that i can be anoying that the manipulators have to be in a specific
    position when the robot goes to the reference sensor.
    I also saw that I could put the manipulators in a seperate reference group, but I suppose that does not exclude them from beïng in position if the robot is doing the mastering test.

  • should simply not assign external axes to any mastering reference test group and if needed enable decoupling for those axes.

    1) read pinned topic: READ FIRST...

    2) if you have an issue with robot, post question in the correct forum section... do NOT contact me directly

    3) read 1 and 2

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