I have some trouble and many questions about this robot and majority in the WorkVisual, i have a LBR iiwa 7 R800 and i have a project to do and i have some trouble with comunication outside the robot, the idea is i have an external unit, wich controls a tool attached to the head of the robot, and i want the robot move to X point and after that send a signal (Boolean for example) to the control unit, but the real problem is i dont have that many experience with the Kuka system and robots and i need somo assistant in what should i connect to the robot (ethernet cable) if it is via port x65 for ethercat connection, i know that x66 is for sending the Sunrise Workbench project to the robot controller but i think its the ethercat port i want to communicate with the external unit. The protocol i want to use is PROFINET since the unit controller have a rasberry pi for major things and dont have any adapter for ethercat if i manage to use the PROFINET protocol i think i might do it.
Thats the major part, but i have some trouble with the Work Visual, i know it's there i need to work on my I/O of the the robot but still i dont have enough experience with the program and i dont know if im doing good or not, so i managed to generate an I/O file in the Sunrise Workbench, opened the WorkVisual just by openning the generated file, and installed the .kop in the package manager, and went to the tap Sunrise I/Os and created a new folder for my project and created two I/O (one input and one output, all digital) and when i try to upload the file to the Sunrise Workbench it says that the I/O are not connected, i dont know what is that and how do i connect them...
After that sorry for my bad English if u don't understand something just say it.
Thank you in advance!