I have a legal, licensed version of KUKA Sim Pro Version 2.0. I have it installed on a computer and it is registered through the visualcomponents official website for that computer. What I cannot get to work is the OfficeLite Version 5.2.OL. My understanding is that this is supposed to be part of the Sim Pro software that we purchased. However, when it starts up, I get the KUKA Cross3, then the HMI screen halfway starts, at which point, it states that I need to specify the license server or give the location of the license file. I do not know where/what I do/go for this.
The office computer I'm using is a Dell running Vista. However, I was getting the same error when I was running this on an HP machine. These are both old computers, but they have been running fine, except for this. Note that the computer I am installing this on is not connected to the internet, which may or may not be causing the FLEXlm license manager error. The Sim Pro software appears to work exactly as it should on either machine. I just cannot get the OfficeLite software to run, apparently due to the licensing issue (or something else?).
KUKA has been mostly no help. I spent over two years attempting to get any level of support, as we had purchased all of this software when we originally bought the robots and no amount of contact would have anyone tell me whether anything is available to be purchased today that will let me compile KRC2 programs offline. As of a year ago, I was finally able to get the old license for the Sim Pro software issue resolved, but now I'm another year into this and still have never been able to make OfficeLite work. Having the Sim Pro software working is nearly useless if I cannot run the OfficeLite software. I think. Unless someone can tell me otherwise.
I would deeply appreciate anyone telling me ANYTHING that I can do to get KUKA KRC2 programs written, compiled and tested offline. Currently, I am having to use a 3rd-party editor, send it to one of my shop floor robots, take the machine off of its task in production, debug, test, whatever else and then send it back to my desk where I do more work/debugging/changes, etc. If someone can suggest some possible workaround, I wouldn't be able to express my thanks adequately. In seven years of working where I am, I have had (no exaggeration) thousands of hours of machine downtime because I have to debug through the robots themselves, not to mention the aggravation of having to walk back and forth from my office to the shop floor just to see if something is going to compile or not.
I have considered purchasing a used controller cabinet, wheeling it into my office and connecting through it just to check for program compilation. But I can't even get KUKA corporate tech support or the local sales "expert" to tell me if that is even feasible. I can't even get them to tell me to go bleep myself.
Well, not really a rant. I just want it known that I have solved all future KUKA issues by purchasing an ABB robot as my latest machine. I am absolutely incredulous over how stoically the entire organization that I have had to deal with has been able to steadfastly ignore any questions I have had about the software that my company purchased with the machines originally. That said, the KUKA hardware components group has been pretty helpful on getting issues resolved and parts sent whenever needed. The software group on the other hand... man...