I was hoping that i could ask a couple questions in regards to the comarc.
My company just purchased an aw2000 cell with touch sense and comarc. We did the install ourselves and everything seems to be working somewhat. There are issues we are trying to troubleshoot.
Im interested in the comarc hardware installation actually. I know things change from version to version so im seeking some clarification.
We have a Comarc IV. Its mounted to the side of the dx200 controller. I am assuming that this serves a dual function as the starting point detection unit and the tracking.
The issue we are having is with the comarc. It doesn't seem to track very well. I've had it come right off the seam a few times.
We've had a motoman guy come up and set it up for us and give us the run down so we are pretty sure we are setting up the settings right. u/d matches welder current output L/R =0
We have an abb with seam track aswell and i remembered after we got it we had some tracking issues and it turned out to be interference from the + cable to the current sensor cable.
I decided today to take a look at the way our maintenance guys installed the new robots tracking sensors and it left me with some questions.
I was looking through the comarc manual at the wiring setup and while some of it looks right, other things leave me wondering.
Im looking in manual 165557-1cd
First off.. i don't see a current detection sensor anywhere....built into comarc iv unit?
Secondly, the configuration diagram of the starting point detection unit in the manual matches our setup except for se1 and se2. These connectors are on the back of the unit but there are no wires connected...Is this correct?
The warnings on pg 2 of the manual, down at the bottom there is mention of interference from the welding cables and that we should separate these cables from the control circuit system. DUH
The only wire coming out of the comarc iv is E. This wire runs to the welders neg terminal. Our maintenance guys zip tied that with the + and the - coming out of the comarc unit. Would this be a control circuit cable that needs to be isolated from the positive and ground.
After reading this description of our system, are there any other cables that should be isolated that im unaware of.
The touch sense works fine and the seam track seems to function just not well. I get better welds if i remove the comarc and just weld it normally.
We are talking about straight forward 3/8 fillet welds on a gentle 5-10 degree slope. 2-5 degree push on 1/2 inch semi-clean steel. They go in great without the comarc but with is a different story.
I'm even using the same weave files without the comarc as i would with.
Its smells of interference but im not sure.
Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.