What are the MULMAT and INVMAT for?

  • Hello. you can read this instructions in the Inform manual.

    The amount of shift for a three-dimensional shift can be obtained by using the MULMAT and INVMAT instructions.

    MOVL P010 V=500

    GETS PX020 $PX001 --> Stores the current XYZ type value in P020.

    INVMAT P021 P010 --> Calculates the inverse matrix of the taught position.

    MULMAT P023 P020 P021 ---> The amount of the three-dimensional

  • I use MULMAT and INVMAT with a vision system when I need to do a three dimensional shift using the SFTON3D instruction. I also use INVMAT to create a camera tcp on a robot mounted camera. Kind of a poor man's external reference point software option.

    I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two. Don't even ask about a third thing. I won't know it.

  • Most generally these are used when shifting a saved reference position using outside data.

    I have 1 application where a robot moves locating pins during changeover. We use mulmat to get the XYZ coordinates of that move in a user frame

  • MOVL P010 V=500

    GETS PX020 $PX001 --> Stores the current XYZ type value in P020.

    INVMAT P021 P010 --> Calculates the inverse matrix of the taught position.

    MULMAT P023 P020 P021 ---> The amount of the three-dimensional

    What was the point of the second line? Could this have also worked by substituting P010 for P020 and omitting line 2?

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