Hello everyone!
We have a LBR IIWA 800 7kg with touch pneumatic flange. I am trying to create an app in which the user can, using hand guiding, record certain positions.
I want to save the frames inside the Application Data that you can usually touchup on the smart pad and are accesible in the app through lbr_iiwa_7_R800_1.getFrame("/test");
Digging up i found this:
public ObjectFrame addChildFrame(String name,
ObjectFrame parent)Adds a new frame with the given name and transformation = MatrixTransformation = IDENTITY to the given parent frame. Sets the owner of the new frame to the root owner.
but it doesn't seem to work as i expected. no new frame is created when i give the new name, and when i provide the name and the parent name with : lbr_iiwa_7_R800_1.addChildFrame(P1,lbr_iiwa_7_R800_1.getFrame("/test_path")); i get a parent is null error.
Does anyone know how to create new frames?