Dear Everyone,
We recently acquired a robot LBR IIWA 800 7kg with touch pneumatic flange.
We have no problem to Run applications, make configuration with Workvisual for I/Os, run apps.
It gets trickly when we want to use Profinet (1st without Profisafe, then we will try with profisafe).
We want the robot for the first test to be a Device, driven by a Siemens S1200 1515F plc.
- No problem with Siemens PLC, and we also have the good robot GSDML files.
We have the Software Option KUKA.Sunrise.Profinet M/S version
We have the Software WorkBench, and workvisual 6.0.
** Note that Both Software eoption Profinet & Software workbench came on the CD when it was bought.
I parametered the I/O in Workvisual, and added a "Profinet" to the bus, with taking into account that we need the Profinet Slack.
Problem :
When I try in the (in Software) to Select Profinet D (to be a device) by ticking the square box, "the selected version" remains at [not installed].
I deleted the option package, and reinstalled it successfully on Workbench, but the problem ramains : [not installed].
I can therefore not load the Profinet drivers onto my controller, seems to be a bug from Workbench.
As anybody experienced the same issue (maybe from a different packet ?)
Thanks a lot, and I will keep you updated.