Hi Guys,
Got a question for your more than capable minds
So I am the lead programmer for Offline Programming and Our Water Jet systems (I dont have alot of experience in robotics so im as surprised as you are).
The issue I am having is the ABB's we are using (A master and slave system that relies on case files to call the correct jobs) seems to hate the transition from linear to curve.
Everytime there is the transition, the robot arm itself shakes alittle and due to the nature of water jet cutting, that shake can be clearly seem on our cut lines.
I've managed to smooth them out as best I could by pulling some points out - I figured distance was a factor that could be contributing to this issue but the issue has remained constant over the last handful of jobs we have trialed on this cell.
Originally I had the speed settings for to "100, 100, 50, 50" and slowed it down to "60, 60, 50, 50" and it improved it.
Originally, I was told to have the linear speed settings at "150, 150, 50, 50" and the curve speed was "100, 100, 50, 50" but after arguing the point I managed to convince them to allow me to slow the robots down. So, what I ended up doing was using the one universal speed setting across all movements which is: "60, 60, 50, 50"
Another thing I have noticed is that even though im specifying my zones are Z0 or Z1 the robots are briefly stopping at these points and moving on, which I assumed only happened with "fine" zones which I assumed acted the same as the "Motoman Pos level = 0" function.
I apologise if I have confused anyone with my explanation.
Thank you all for any and all help