geometricModel.math.Point and geometricModel.math.Vector

  • Hello All,

    Not an expert with JAVA.

    How do use com.kuka.roboticsAPI.geometricModel.math.Vector and com.kuka.roboticsAPI.geometricModel.math.Point to get vector and get point (eg: getX(), getY(), and getZ())?

    Is this the right way to do it ( Point x_data = new Point(); ) or can someone guide me how to do this?

    If you can point to me some documentation or blogs, that would be great too.


  • Usually you don't need to use them on your own. They are often used to get current values of the robot, not in a way of making a new instance but in a way of getting a value as in : Vector force = Robot.getExternalForce().getForce(); <- the code should not be correct! just for an example.

    Vector is mostly used for xyz vectors especially with Force data, and yes the way how to make an instance(new class variable) should be that.

    If you want to know about them because you want to make a new teaching point for the robot, use Frame instead.

    Try look for javaDoc(Mouse over on Frame part on your IDE) about it : Frame myFrame = new Frame();

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